Terms and Conditions
Last Updated: 12/17/24
Florence by mills x Douglas/Nocibé
Règles Officielles
Éligibilité. Le concours Florence by mills x Douglas GmbH (le « Concours ») est uniquement ouvert aux individus. Les employés, dirigeants et administrateurs de Give Back Beauty, LLC, (« Florence » ou « le Sponsor »), ainsi que chacun de leurs affiliés, filiales, agences de publicité et de promotion, distributeurs et autres fournisseurs de prix (collectivement, les « Entités du Concours »), ainsi que les membres immédiats de la famille de ces employés, dirigeants et administrateurs et/ou les personnes vivant dans le même foyer (qu’elles soient légalement liées ou non) ne sont pas éligibles pour participer au Concours ni pour gagner un prix. Aux fins de ce Concours, les membres immédiats de la famille sont définis comme le conjoint, le partenaire, les parents, les tuteurs légaux, les beaux-parents, les grands-parents, les frères et sœurs, les enfants et les petits-enfants, et les personnes vivant dans le même foyer sont celles qui partagent la même résidence pendant au moins trois (3) mois par an, qu’elles soient légalement liées ou non. Nul là où la loi l’interdit. En participant au Concours, chaque participant accepte sans réserve et s’engage à respecter ces « Règles Officielles » ainsi que les décisions du Sponsor, y compris l’interprétation de ces Règles Officielles et l’exercice de sa discrétion, qui seront définitives et contraignantes à tous égards. Si sélectionné, Florence by mills n’est pas responsable des colis perdus par le service de livraison de colis.
Période de participation. Le Concours commence vers 9h00, heure normale du Pacifique (« PST »), le 12 décembre 2024, et toutes les participations doivent être reçues par le Sponsor au plus tard à 23h59 PST le 23 décembre 2024 (la « Période de participation »).
Comment participer. Pour participer à ce Concours, les individus devront disposer d’un appareil mobile (par exemple, un téléphone mobile ou une tablette) pouvant accéder à Internet et utilisant la plateforme Apple ou Android. De plus, les participants devront télécharger l’application Instagram depuis l’App Store de leur appareil mobile et s’inscrire pour un compte Instagram (« Compte Instagram ») s’ils n’en ont pas déjà un. La création d’un compte Instagram est gratuite. En soumettant vos informations et en créant un compte Instagram, les participants doivent accepter les conditions d’utilisation et la politique de confidentialité d’Instagram. Si vous n’acceptez pas les conditions d’utilisation et la politique de confidentialité d’Instagram, vous ne pouvez pas créer un compte Instagram ni participer à ce Concours via Instagram. Ensuite, les participants devront suivre le compte Instagram de Florence.
« @florencebymills ». Pour participer via Instagram pendant une Période de participation (voir ci-dessus), suivez l’appel à l’action fourni dans toute publicité concernant le Concours sur la manière de soumettre une participation. L’appel à l’action pour ce Concours nécessitera des participants de : réaliser une vidéo de l’individu faisant des achats de produits Florence by mills dans les magasins Douglas/Nocibé et la publier sur Instagram. Identifiez à la fois « @florencebymills » et le *compte social de votre détaillant Douglas local. La légende de la publication doit inclure #glowupwithdouglas ou, si vous êtes en France, utiliser #glowupwithnocibe.
*Comptes locaux Douglas/Nocibé :
- Douglas Germany - Instagram: douglas_cosmetics
- Douglas Italy - Instagram: douglasitalia
- Douglas Spain - Instagram: douglascosmetics_es
- Douglas Poland - Instagram: douglas_polska
- Douglas Netherlands - Instagram: douglasnederland
- Nocibe France - Instagram: nocibe_france
Le Sponsor peut ne pas recevoir les participations qui ne suivent pas strictement les instructions de publication énoncées dans ces Règles Officielles et le Sponsor n’est pas responsable de l’incapacité de voir ou de recevoir une participation. REMARQUE : Le Sponsor peut ne pas recevoir de participations de la part des utilisateurs d’Instagram ayant des paramètres de compte « privé » (c’est-à-dire que l’utilisateur a configuré son compte Instagram de manière à ce que seules les personnes qu’il a approuvées puissent voir ses photos) en raison du fonctionnement du service Instagram. Les messages non reçus par le Sponsor ne seront pas inclus dans le Concours. En laissant un commentaire dans la section des commentaires de la photo fournie par le Sponsor, les participants confirment leur acceptation et leur accord avec ces Règles Officielles.
Limite d’une (1) participation par personne (quelle que soit la méthode) sera acceptée pendant chaque Période de participation (un commentaire par publication fournie par le Sponsor pendant la période de participation). Les tentatives ultérieures faites par la même personne pour soumettre plusieurs participations en utilisant des informations de contact multiples ou fausses ou autrement peuvent entraîner une disqualification. Les participations générées par un script, des programmes informatiques, des macros, des moyens programmés, robotiques ou autres moyens automatisés sont nulles et peuvent être disqualifiées. Les participations excédant les limites spécifiées, incomplètes, illisibles, corrompues, endommagées, détruites, falsifiées, fausses, perdues, tardives ou mal orientées, trompeuses ou autrement non conformes aux Règles Officielles peuvent être disqualifiées du Concours, à la seule et entière discrétion du Sponsor. Les participations illisibles et/ou incomplètes et celles soumises par des participants ne répondant pas aux critères d’éligibilité (y compris toutes les exigences relatives à l’âge et à la résidence) sont nulles. Les personnes qui ne suivent pas toutes les instructions ou ne respectent pas ces Règles Officielles ou d’autres instructions du Sponsor peuvent être disqualifiées. Le Sponsor peut ne pas recevoir de participations ne suivant pas strictement les instructions de publication énoncées dans ces Règles Officielles et le Sponsor n’est pas responsable de l’incapacité de voir ou de recevoir une participation. Les Entités du Concours ne sont pas responsables des changements ou de l’indisponibilité du service Instagram qui pourraient interférer avec le Concours (y compris toute limitation, restriction ou condition sur la capacité du Sponsor à utiliser ces services pour le Concours, comme indiqué ici et qui ne seraient pas acceptables pour le Sponsor) ou de l’incapacité du participant à participer à temps, à recevoir des notifications ou à communiquer avec le Sponsor via Instagram, auquel cas le Sponsor, à sa seule discrétion, peut annuler ou modifier le Concours. En cas de litige concernant l’auteur d’une participation, la participation sera considérée comme ayant été soumise par le titulaire du compte enregistré de l’adresse email associée au compte du participant potentiel, mais seulement si cette personne répond à tous les autres critères d’éligibilité ou si cette personne est le parent ou tuteur légal approuvant un participant mineur répondant à tous les critères d’éligibilité. Un « titulaire de compte enregistré » est défini comme la personne physique à qui une adresse email a été attribuée par un fournisseur d’accès à Internet, un fournisseur de services en ligne, ou toute autre organisation (par exemple, entreprise, établissement d’enseignement, etc.) responsable de l’attribution des adresses email pour le domaine associé à l’adresse email soumise. Les gagnants potentiels peuvent être tenus de fournir au Sponsor une preuve qu’il/elle est le titulaire du compte enregistré pour l’adresse email associée au compte de la participation potentiellement gagnante. Si un litige ne peut pas être résolu à la satisfaction du Sponsor, la participation sera considérée comme inéligible. Tout dommage causé à un site web ou au service Instagram sera à la charge du titulaire du compte enregistré de l’adresse email pour le compte soumis au moment de la participation. Le Sponsor peut organiser plusieurs campagnes, concours, sweepstakes ou autres promotions simultanément. La participation à une (1) campagne, concours ou sweepstakes ne constitue pas une participation à une autre.
DIVULGATION MOBILE : Si vous choisissez de recevoir les messages du Sponsor, y compris toute notification de prix ou d’autres messages liés au Concours, par message texte sur votre appareil mobile sans fil (qui peut n’être disponible que via les opérateurs sans fil participants et n’est pas requis pour participer), les tarifs standards de messagerie texte s’appliqueront pour chaque message texte envoyé ou reçu de votre téléphone portable, conformément aux termes et conditions de votre contrat de service avec votre opérateur sans fil. D’autres frais peuvent s’appliquer (tels que les frais d’airtime normaux et les frais de l’opérateur) et peuvent apparaître sur votre facture de téléphone mobile ou être déduits de votre solde de compte prépayé. Les plans tarifaires des opérateurs sans fil peuvent varier, et vous devez contacter votre opérateur sans fil pour plus d’informations sur les plans tarifaires de messagerie et les frais liés à votre participation à ce Concours. La participation à ce Concours par téléphone mobile et message texte signifie que vous comprenez que vous pouvez recevoir des messages texte supplémentaires de la part du Sponsor concernant ce Concours, y compris pour vous informer si vous êtes un gagnant potentiel, ce qui sera soumis aux frais selon le plan tarifaire de votre opérateur. La messagerie texte peut ne pas être disponible auprès de tous les opérateurs de service de téléphonie mobile et modèles de téléphones. Le service de téléphonie mobile peut ne pas être disponible dans toutes les zones. Vérifiez les capacités de votre téléphone pour obtenir des instructions spécifiques.
Sélection du Gagnant et Réclamation du Prix. Il y aura six (6) gagnants sélectionnés dans ce Concours. Le gagnant potentiel sera sélectionné par un tirage au sort vers le 25 décembre 2024. Les participations qui seront incluses dans le tirage seront déterminées en recherchant sur la plateforme Instagram les individus ayant publié une image et inclus le hashtag requis dans leur participation. Toutes les participations provenant d’Instagram pendant chaque Période de participation seront regroupées et le gagnant potentiel pour chaque Période de participation sera sélectionné parmi toutes les participations valides reçues pendant chaque Période de participation applicable, conformément à ces Règles Officielles. Le gagnant potentiel sera notifié comme décrit ci-dessous dans un délai raisonnable après le tirage. Les gagnants potentiels seront contactés par le Sponsor soit par message direct sur Instagram, soit par commentaire sur la publication potentiellement gagnante, et le Sponsor fournira une adresse e-mail (ou autres informations de contact) où le gagnant potentiel pourra envoyer ou livrer sa réclamation de prix. La notification est considérée comme ayant eu lieu immédiatement après la notification ou la publication d’un commentaire sur la publication potentiellement gagnante via Instagram. Les Entités du Concours ne sont pas responsables du manquement d’un gagnant potentiel à contacter le Sponsor après avoir été informé qu’il est un gagnant potentiel. Il incombe à chaque gagnant potentiel de configurer ses paramètres de compte pour accepter les contacts du Sponsor et de vérifier régulièrement son compte pour tout message. Le Sponsor aura une discrétion complète sur l’interprétation des Règles Officielles, l’administration du Concours et la sélection des gagnants. Les décisions du Sponsor concernant la sélection des gagnants seront finales.
Chaque gagnant potentiel peut être tenu de soumettre un affidavit d’éligibilité / de renonciation à toute responsabilité / d’acceptation du prix (collectivement, l’ « Affidavit ») et de renvoyer l’Affidavit dans le délai spécifié lors de la notification avant d’être éligible pour recevoir son prix. Si un gagnant potentiel de prix ne parvient pas ou refuse de signer et de renvoyer cet Affidavit dans le délai requis par le Sponsor ou si le prix ou la notification de prix est retourné comme rejeté, défectueux, non réclamé ou comme étant non livrable à ce gagnant potentiel, ce dernier peut être disqualifié et un autre gagnant pourra être sélectionné. Le non-respect entraînera une disqualification et l’attribution des prix à un gagnant alternatif. Les parents ou tuteurs légaux de tout gagnant de prix mineur dans son état de résidence (qui est dix-huit (18) ans dans la plupart des États, mais dix-neuf (19) ans en Alabama et au Nebraska, et vingt-et-un (21) ans au Mississippi) peuvent également être tenus de signer l’Affidavit afin que le gagnant puisse recevoir son prix. Si un gagnant potentiel est jugé inéligible, ou s’il n’a pas respecté ces Règles Officielles, ou si le gagnant potentiel ne peut pas participer à une partie du prix, ou décline un prix pour toute raison avant l’attribution, ce gagnant potentiel peut être disqualifié et un gagnant alternatif pourra être sélectionné. Si, pour une raison quelconque, plus de gagnants légitimes se manifestent pour réclamer des prix excédant le nombre de prix de chaque type prévu dans ces Règles Officielles, les gagnants, ou les gagnants restants, selon le cas, du nombre de prix annoncé disponible pourront être sélectionnés par tirage au sort parmi toutes les personnes ayant prétendument validé leur réclamation pour ces prix. L’inclusion dans ce tirage sera le seul et exclusif recours de chaque participant dans de telles circonstances. Les Entités du Concours ne sont pas responsables et ne pourront être tenues responsables des notifications envoyées en retard, perdues, endommagées, interceptées, mal dirigées, ou des tentatives infructueuses de notifier les gagnants potentiels, ni si le gagnant potentiel est mineur, des tentatives infructueuses ou mal dirigées de ce dernier pour fournir une autorisation parentale ou d’un tuteur signée.
Cotes. Les chances de gagner dépendront du nombre total de participations éligibles reçues.
Prix et Valeurs. Chacun des gagnants confirmés du Concours recevra l’un des prix suivants, d’une valeur totale approximative au détail (« ARV ») de 170 € sous la forme d’un bon numérique Douglas/Nocibé de 100 € + 3 sets-cadeaux florence by mills (d’une valeur de 70 €).
Les prix ne sont pas transférables, sans possibilité de rachat en argent, d’équivalents ou de substitutions, sauf à la seule et entière discrétion du Sponsor. Tous les détails des prix non spécifiés dans ces Règles Officielles seront déterminés à la seule et entière discrétion du Sponsor. Les détails des prix et leur disponibilité peuvent être modifiés, et sont soumis aux règles et restrictions du fournisseur de prix. Dans le cas où le Sponsor ne pourrait pas fournir le prix à un gagnant, le Sponsor pourra choisir de fournir au gagnant la valeur approximative de l’élément en argent ou d’attribuer un prix alternatif de valeur comparable ou supérieure. Dans le cas où un gagnant adopte un comportement qui (selon le jugement du Sponsor ou de tout fournisseur de prix, à sa seule et entière discrétion) serait désagréable, inapproprié, menaçant, illégal ou destiné à ennuyer, abuser, menacer ou harceler toute autre personne, le Sponsor se réserve le droit de mettre fin prématurément au voyage ou à toute autre expérience applicable. Tous les prix sont attribués « TEL QUELS » et sans garantie de quelque nature que ce soit, expresse ou implicite (y compris, sans limitation, toute garantie implicite de qualité marchande ou d’adaptabilité à un usage particulier). Le gagnant sera seul responsable de tous les impôts fédéraux, d’État et/ou locaux, ainsi que de tous les frais ou coûts associés aux prix reçus, qu’ils soient ou non utilisés en tout ou en partie. La valeur approximative au détail (ARV) des prix est basée sur les informations disponibles fournies au Sponsor et la valeur de tout prix attribué à un gagnant peut être déclarée à des fins fiscales, conformément à la législation en vigueur. Le gagnant pourra être tenu de fournir au Sponsor un numéro de sécurité sociale ou un numéro d’identification fiscale avant l’attribution des prix à des fins de déclaration fiscale. Un formulaire IRS 1099 peut être émis au nom du gagnant, ou si le gagnant est mineur dans la juridiction où il réside, au nom de son parent ou tuteur légal, pour la valeur réelle des prix reçus. Les prix non réclamés seront annulés. Les prix, s’ils sont légitimement réclamés, seront attribués. Le Sponsor n’est pas responsable et ne remplacera aucun prix perdu, mutilé ou volé, ni aucun prix qui ne pourrait pas être livré ou ne parviendrait pas au gagnant en raison d’une adresse incorrecte ou modifiée. Si un gagnant n’accepte pas ou n’utilise pas la totalité du prix, la partie non acceptée ou inutilisée du prix sera annulée et le Sponsor n’aura aucune autre obligation à l’égard de ce prix ou de cette partie du prix. Aucun prix supplémentaire ne sera attribué au-delà de ceux spécifiés. Il est strictement interdit au gagnant de vendre, d’enchérir, de troquer ou de transférer toute partie du prix. La valeur totale ARV de tous les prix attribués dans ce Concours est de Cent Soixante-Dix Euros (170€). Le Sponsor n’est pas responsable et un gagnant ne recevra pas la différence, le cas échéant, entre la valeur réelle des prix au moment de l’attribution et la valeur ARV indiquée dans ces Règles Officielles ou dans toute correspondance ou documentation liée au Concours. Les prix seront uniquement envoyés à l’adresse physique vérifiée du gagnant (pas de boîtes postales).
Autorisation de Publicité. Sous réserve de la législation applicable, les gagnants accordent irrévocablement aux Entités du Concours et à chacun de leurs licenciés, ainsi qu’à leurs successeurs, ayants droit et sous-licenciés, le droit et la permission d’utiliser leur nom, voix, image et/ou matériel biographique à des fins publicitaires, promotionnelles et/ou de publicité en lien avec le Concours, dans tous les types de médias et par tous les moyens (actuels et futurs), ainsi qu’en relation avec des produits, services, publicités et supports promotionnels associés (actuels ou futurs), dans le monde entier, à perpétuité, sans aucune obligation, notification ou rémunération, excepté l’attribution des prix aux gagnants. Les participants s’engagent à ne pas émettre de publicité concernant les Entités du Concours.
Altération du concours. Les entités du concours ne sont pas responsables des actions des participants en lien avec le concours, y compris les tentatives des participants de contourner le règlement officiel ou d’interférer autrement avec l’administration, la sécurité, l’équité, l’intégrité ou le bon déroulement du concours. Toute personne trouvée en train d’altérer ou d’abuser de quelque manière que ce soit un aspect de ce concours, ou que le sponsor considère comme causant un dysfonctionnement, une erreur, une perturbation ou des dommages, peut être disqualifiée.
De plus, toute tentative de tricherie dans le cadre du concours, telle que déterminée à la seule et absolue discrétion du sponsor, peut entraîner la disqualification immédiate du participant, ainsi que d’autres conséquences possibles, notamment l’exclusion de tout concours existant ou futur.
Le sponsor se réserve le droit, à sa seule et absolue discrétion, de disqualifier (ou de retirer le prix à) toute personne qui est trouvée, ou soupçonnée, d’agir en violation du règlement officiel, ou de se comporter de manière antisportive, obscène, immorale ou perturbatrice, ou avec l’intention d’ennuyer, d’abuser, de menacer ou de harceler toute autre personne.
Renonciations, Déclarations et Décharges.
En participant au Sweepstakes, les participants acceptent de libérer, décharger et dégager de toute responsabilité les Entités du Sweepstakes, ainsi que chacun de leurs administrateurs, dirigeants, employés, agents, successeurs et ayants droit respectifs (« Parties Libérées »), contre toutes réclamations, responsabilités, coûts, pertes, dommages ou blessures de toute nature découlant de ou liés à leur participation au Sweepstakes et/ou à tout prix (y compris, sans limitation, les pertes, dommages ou blessures subis par l’équipement ou les biens du participant ou d’une autre personne, ou leur personne, liés à la participation au Sweepstakes ; ou résultant de toute violation des droits de publicité ou de confidentialité, ou de réclamations pour diffamation ou présentation sous un jour faux ; ou basés sur toute réclamation d’infraction à la propriété intellectuelle ; ou encore résultant d’erreurs typographiques, humaines ou autres dans l’impression, l’offre, la sélection, le fonctionnement ou l’annonce de toute activité ou prix lié au Sweepstakes).Sans limiter la portée générale de ce qui précède, les participants conviennent que les Parties Libérées :
(a) n’ont fourni et ne fourniront aucune garantie, représentation ou assurance, explicite ou implicite, de fait ou en droit, concernant le Sweepstakes et/ou les prix, y compris, sans limitation, la qualité ou l’adéquation d’un prix à un usage particulier ; et
(b) ne seront pas responsables des blessures, dommages, pertes, dépenses, accidents, retards, désagréments ou autres irrégularités causés ou attribuables à un acte ou une omission fautive, négligente ou non autorisée de la part de toute autre personne ou entité n’étant pas un employé des Parties Libérées, ou par toute cause, condition ou événement échappant au contrôle des Parties Libérées. Les participants acceptent que les Parties Libérées ne soient pas responsables des prix interrompus ; des erreurs humaines ; de la transcription incorrecte ou inexacte des informations d’inscription et/ou de compte ; des dysfonctionnements techniques du réseau téléphonique, du système informatique en ligne, du mécanisme de datation informatique, de l’équipement informatique, des logiciels ou du fournisseur de services Internet utilisé par le Sponsor ; de l’interruption ou de l’impossibilité d’accéder à Instagram, aux sites web du Sponsor ou d’entités affiliées, ou à tout service en ligne via Internet en raison de problèmes de compatibilité matériels ou logiciels ; de tout dommage au système informatique du participant (ou de toute autre personne) et/ou à son contenu résultant de toute partie du Sweepstakes ; des transmissions de données perdues/retardées, omissions, interruptions, virus, bugs, défauts ; des erreurs, coquilles ou fautes d’impression dans les présentes Règles Officielles, dans toute publicité ou autre matériel lié au Sweepstakes et/ou de toute autre erreur ou dysfonctionnement, même causé par la négligence des Parties Libérées.Chaque participant accepte en outre d’indemniser et de dégager de toute responsabilité les Parties Libérées contre toute responsabilité découlant du Sweepstakes et renonce à tout droit de déposer une réclamation, action ou procédure à l’encontre des Parties Libérées, reconnaissant par la présente que les Parties Libérées n’ont ni fourni ni ne sont en aucune manière responsables de toute garantie, représentation ou assurance, explicite ou implicite, de fait ou en droit, relative à un prix, y compris les garanties explicites fournies exclusivement par un fournisseur pouvant accompagner un prix.Le Sponsor n’est pas responsable des actions des participants en lien avec le Sweepstakes, y compris les tentatives des participants de contourner les Règles Officielles ou d’interférer autrement avec l’administration, la sécurité, l’équité, l’intégrité ou le bon déroulement du Sweepstakes. Les participants comprennent et acceptent également que tous les droits en vertu de la Section 1542 du Code civil de… (texte coupé). Californie (« Section 1542 »)
et toute loi similaire d’un État ou d’un territoire des États-Unis pouvant s’appliquer à la décharge susmentionnée sont par la présente expressément et définitivement renoncées. Les participants reconnaissent que la Section 1542 stipule que :« UNE DÉCHARGE GÉNÉRALE NE S’ÉTEND PAS AUX RÉCLAMATIONS QUE LE CRÉANCIER NE CONNAÎT PAS OU NE SOUPÇONNE PAS EXISTER EN SA FAVEUR AU MOMENT DE SIGNER LA DÉCHARGE, LESQUELLES, SI ELLES ÉTAIENT CONNUES DE LUI, AURAIENT MATÉRIELLEMENT AFFECTÉ SON ACCORD AVEC LE DÉBITEUR. »Les décharges prévues par les présentes visent à s’appliquer à toutes les réclamations inconnues ou non suspectées avec l’intention de renoncer à l’effet des lois exigeant l’intention de libérer des réclamations futures inconnues. Si un participant est mineur éligible, son parent ou tuteur légal doit accepter les présentes Règles Officielles, y compris, sans limitation, cette section.
Informations d’inscription et communications liées au Sweepstakes.
Comme condition de participation au Sweepstakes, chaque participant consent à ce que le Sponsor obtienne et transmette son nom, son adresse et d’autres informations à des tiers dans le but d’administrer ce Sweepstakes et de se conformer aux lois, réglementations et règles applicables. Toute information fournie par les participants au Sponsor pourra être utilisée pour communiquer avec eux au sujet de ce Sweepstakes ou pour figurer sur la liste des gagnants du Sweepstakes.
Loi applicable / Limitation de responsabilité.
Toutes les questions relatives à la construction, la validité, l’interprétation et l’applicabilité des présentes Règles Officielles ou les droits et obligations des participants, du Sponsor ou des Parties Libérées en lien avec le Sweepstakes seront régies et interprétées conformément aux lois internes de l’État de Californie, sans tenir compte des choix ou conflits de lois ou des dispositions qui entraîneraient l’application des lois d’un autre État.
Résolution des litiges.
Les parties conviennent de régler définitivement tous les litiges uniquement par le biais d’un arbitrage ; toutefois, le Sponsor sera en droit de demander une injonction ou une mesure équitable devant les tribunaux d’État et fédéraux du comté de Los Angeles, en Californie, ainsi que devant tout autre tribunal ayant juridiction sur les parties. Lors d’un arbitrage, il n’y a ni juge ni jury, et les possibilités de recours sont limitées. La décision et la sentence de l’arbitre sont finales et contraignantes, sous réserve d’exceptions limitées, et un jugement sur la sentence peut être rendu par tout tribunal compétent. Les parties conviennent que, sauf indication contraire ci-dessus, toute réclamation, action ou procédure découlant de ou liée à ce Sweepstakes sera résolue uniquement par un arbitrage contraignant devant un arbitre unique selon les règles et procédures simplifiées de JAMS Inc. (« JAMS ») ou tout successeur de JAMS. Si JAMS refuse ou est incapable de fixer une date d’audience dans les quatorze (14) jours suivant le dépôt d’une « Demande d’arbitrage », l’une ou l’autre des parties peut choisir de faire administrer l’arbitrage par l’American Arbitration Association (« AAA ») ou tout autre service d’administration d’arbitrage convenu mutuellement. Si une audience en personne est nécessaire, elle aura lieu à Chicago, IL, New York City, NY, San Francisco, CA, Atlanta, GA ou Dallas, TX (selon la résidence du participant) ; toutefois, si aucune de ces localisations n’est pratique pour l’audience, les parties peuvent convenir mutuellement d’un lieu alternatif. La loi fédérale ou d’État applicable à ces Règles Officielles s’appliquera également pendant l’arbitrage. Les litiges seront arbitrés uniquement sur une base individuelle et ne seront pas regroupés avec d’autres procédures impliquant des réclamations ou des controverses d’une autre partie, y compris les recours collectifs ; toutefois, si un tribunal ou un arbitre décide que cette restriction est inapplicable ou inexécutable, l’accord d’arbitrage ne s’appliquera pas, et le litige devra être porté devant un tribunal compétent dans le comté de San Francisco, en Californie. Le Sponsor accepte de payer les frais administratifs et les honoraires de l’arbitre pour mener l’arbitrage (à l’exclusion des frais de déplacement ou autres coûts engagés par le participant pour assister à l’audience d’arbitrage). Nonobstant cette disposition, l’une ou l’autre des parties peut porter des réclamations admissibles devant un tribunal des petites créances.
Liste des gagnants du Sweepstakes / Demandes des Règles Officielles.
Pour recevoir une liste des gagnants, envoyez une enveloppe pré-adressée et affranchie à l’adresse suivante :
« florence by mills Douglas Giveaway, Give Back Beauty, LLC. 8 The Green Suite 4220 Dover, DE 19901 », dans un délai de soixante (60) jours suivant l’expiration de la période de participation, ou par e-mail à l’adresse suivante : « info@florencebymillsbeauty.com ». Pour une copie des présentes Règles Officielles, envoyez une enveloppe pré-adressée et affranchie au format légal à l’adresse suivante :
« florence by mills Douglas Giveaway, Give Back Beauty, LLC. 8 The Green Suite 4220 Dover, DE 19901 », avant la fin de la période de participation.
L’invalidité ou l’inapplicabilité de toute disposition des présentes Règles Officielles ou de l’Attestation n’affectera pas la validité ou l’applicabilité des autres dispositions. Si une disposition des Règles Officielles ou de l’Attestation est jugée invalide, inapplicable ou illégale, les autres dispositions resteront en vigueur et seront interprétées conformément à leurs termes comme si la disposition invalide ou illégale n’était pas incluse. Le fait que le Sponsor n’applique pas une disposition des présentes Règles Officielles ne constituera pas une renonciation à cette disposition. Les participants acceptent de renoncer à tout droit de prétendre à une ambiguïté des présentes Règles Officielles.Les titres sont uniquement fournis pour des raisons de commodité et ne seront pas considérés comme affectant de quelque manière que ce soit le sens ou l’intention des documents ou de l’une de leurs dispositions.
En cas de divergence ou d’incohérence entre les divulgations ou autres déclarations contenues dans les documents liés au Sweepstakes, la politique de confidentialité ou les conditions d’utilisation du site Web ou de l’application, et/ou les termes et conditions des présentes Règles Officielles, ces dernières prévaudront, régiront et s’appliqueront. Toute divergence sera résolue à la seule et entière discrétion du Sponsor.
Sponsor : Ce concours est sponsorisé par Give Back Beauty, 8 The Green Suite 4220, Dover, DE 19901.
Welcome! You have arrived at a site that is owned and/or operated by Florence Beauty, LLC (“Florence”, “we,” “our” or “us”). These Terms and Conditions of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of https://florencebymillsbeauty.com/ (including, without limitation, both mobile and online versions of our site and our site store), and also applies to your use of all features, applications, content, downloads and other services that we make available through the site and/or that post a link to these Terms (collectively, referred to herein as the “Site”). By using the Site, you consent to the Site’s Privacy Policy and consent to the collection and use of your data (including Personal Data as defined therein) in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By using the Site, you further agree that Florence may change, alter, or modify the settings or configurations on your Device (defined below) in order to allow for or optimize your use of the Site.
If You Want to Use This Site, then carefully read these entire Terms (including all links to details), as they constitute a written agreement between you and us and they affect your legal rights and obligations. Each time you access and/or use the Site (other than to simply read these Terms), you agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms and any Additional Terms (defined below) then posted. Therefore, do not use the Site if you do not agree.
The business realities associated with operating the Site are such that, without the conditions that are set forth in these Terms -- such as your grants and waivers of rights, the limitations on our liability, your indemnity of us, and arbitration of certain disputes -- Florence would not make the Site available to you.
In some instances, both these Terms and separate guidelines, rules, or terms of use or sale setting forth additional or different terms and/or conditions will apply to your use of the Site or to a service or product offered via the Site (in each such instance and collectively, “Additional Terms”). To the extent there is a conflict between these Terms and any Additional Terms, the Additional Terms will control unless the Additional Terms expressly state otherwise.
Table of Contents
It is important that you read and understand these entire Terms before using the Site. This table of contents further highlights some key issues and points.
1. Site Content, Ownership, Limited License and Rights of Others
We only grant you a limited revocable license to use the Site for your own non-commercial use subject to rules and limitations.
2. Site and Content Use Restrictions
Your use is subject to our rules.
3. Opening and Terminating Accounts
You may open, revise and close your accounts.
4. Terms Applicable to Purchases
If you purchase goods or services through the Florence store, these terms apply.
5. Content You Submit and Community Usage Rules
You grant us a broad license, which we may sublicense, to the content you submit which you represent you have the right to allow us to use. You, however, retain ownership of, and responsibility for, your content. Use of our Site is subject to community usage rules and we have the right to manage our Site to keep its content appropriate.
6. Procedure For Alleging Copyright Infringement
Users may not post content they do not own or control, and may be suspended or terminated if they do so. Copyright owners may give us notice of infringement by following specific instructions specifically addressed in this section.
7. Procedure For Alleging Infringement of Other Intellectual Property
You can also give notice of infringements other intellectual property rights, for example trademark and other rights, that you think occur on the Site.
8. Notices, Questions and Customer Service
Click here to contact us for customer service or questions. You agree that we may provide you notices, including notices of changes to the Terms or new terms and conditions, by posting notice on the homepage of the Site or by other reasonable means, such as to the email you provided.
9. Links by You to the Site
You may link to our Site, subject to some basic rules.
10. Linked-To Websites; Advertisements; Dealings with Third Parties
We are not responsible for third parties or their content, advertisements, apps or sites.
11. Wireless & Location Based Features and Other Telephonic Communications
Wireless carrier charges may apply to use of the Site via wireless networks or Devices. Providing telephone numbers and other contact information.
12. Dispute Resolution
You agree to arbitrate most disputes and waive jury trial and class actions.
13. Disclaimer of Representations and Warranties
We disclaim most warranties and provide the Site “As Is”.
14. Limitations of our Liability
Our liability is greatly limited.
15. Waiver of Injunctive or Other Equitable Relief
You waive equitable or injunctive relief.
16. Updates to Terms
These Terms and Additional Terms posted on the Site at each time of use apply to that use, and the Terms may be prospectively updated as our Site evolves. Posting of new terms on the Site is notice to you thereof.
17. General Provisions
You agree to various other terms and conditions.
Full Details of Terms and Conditions
1. Site Content, Ownership, Limited License and Rights of Others
a) Content. The Site contains a variety of: (i) materials and other items relating to Florence, Florence' products and mission statement, and similar items from our licensors and other third parties, including all layout, information, articles, posts, text, data, files, images, scripts, designs, graphics, button icons, instructions, illustrations, photographs, audio clips, music, sounds, pictures, videos, advertising copy, URLs, technology, software, interactive features, the “look and feel” of the Site, and the compilation, assembly, and arrangement of the materials of the Site and any and all copyrightable material (including source and object code); (ii) trademarks, trade dress, logos, trade names, service marks, and/or trade identities of various parties, including those of Florence (collectively, “Trademarks”); and (iii) other forms of intellectual property (all of the foregoing, collectively “Content”).
b) Ownership. The Site (including past, present and future versions) and the Content are owned or controlled by Florence and our licensors and certain other third parties. All right, title, and interest in and to the Content available via the Site is the property of Florence or our licensors or certain other third parties, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights and laws to the fullest extent possible. Florence owns the copyright in the selection, compilation, assembly, arrangement, and enhancement of the Content on the Site.
c) Limited License. Subject to your strict compliance with these Terms and all applicable Additional Terms, Florence grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, personal, and non-transferable license to download (temporary storage only), display, view, use, play, and/or print one copy of the Content (excluding source and object code in raw form or otherwise, other than as made available to access and use to enable display and functionality) on a personal computer, mobile phone or other wireless device, or other Internet enabled device (each, a “Device”) for your personal, non-commercial use only. The foregoing limited license: (i) does not give you any ownership of, or any other intellectual property interest in, any Content, and (ii) may be immediately suspended or terminated for any reason, in Florence’ sole discretion, and without advance notice or liability. In some instances, we may permit you to have greater access to and use of Content, subject to certain Additional Terms.
d) Rights of Others. When using the Site, you must respect the intellectual property and other rights of Florence and others. Your unauthorized use of Content may violate copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, communications, and other laws, and any such use may result in your personal liability, including potential criminal liability.
2. Site and Content Use Restrictions
a) Site Use Restrictions. You agree that you will not: (i) use the Site for any political or commercial purpose (including, without limitation, for purposes of advertising, soliciting funds, collecting product prices, and selling products); (ii) use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing any Trademarks; (iii) engage in any activities through or in connection with the Site that seek to, attempt to or do harm to any individuals or entities, or are unlawful, offensive, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, violent, threatening, harassing, or abusive, or that violate any right of any third party, or are otherwise objectionable to Florence; (iv) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, reverse assemble, or modify any Site source or object code or any software or other products, services, or processes accessible through any portion of the Site; (v) engage in any activity that interferes with a user’s access to the Site or the proper operation of the Site, or otherwise causes harm to the Site, Florence, or other users of the Site; (vi) interfere with or circumvent any security feature of the Site or any feature that restricts or enforces limitations on use of or access to the Site, the Content, or the User-Generated Content; (vii) harvest or otherwise collect or store any information (including Personal Data of other users of the Site, including email addresses, without the express consent Florence and of such users); (viii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, other computer systems or networks connected to the Site, through password mining or any other means; or (ix) otherwise violate these Terms or any Additional Terms.
b) Content Use Restrictions. You also agree that, in using the Site: (i) you will not monitor, gather, copy, or distribute the Content (except as may be a result of standard search engine activity or use of a standard browser) on the Site by using any robot, rover, “bot”, spider, scraper, crawler, spyware, engine, device, software, extraction tool, or any other automatic device, utility, or manual process of any kind; (ii) you will not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any such Content (including any images, text, or page layout); (iii) you will keep intact all Trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property notices contained in such Content; (iv) you will not use such Content in a manner that suggests an unauthorized association with any of our or our licensors’ products, services, or brands; (v) you will not make any modifications to such Content; (vi) you will not copy, modify, reproduce, archive, sell, lease, rent, exchange, create derivative works from, publish by hard copy or electronic means, publicly perform, display, disseminate, distribute, broadcast, retransmit, circulate or transfer to any third party or on any third-party application or website, or otherwise use or exploit such Content in any way for any purpose except as specifically permitted by these Terms or any Additional Terms or with the prior written consent of an officer of Florence or, in the case of Content from a licensor, the owner of the Content; and (vii) you will not insert any code or product to manipulate such Content in any way that adversely affects any user experience.
c) Availability of Site and Content. Florence may immediately suspend or terminate the availability of the Site and Content (and any elements and features of them), in whole or in part, for any reason, in Florence’ sole discretion, and without advance notice or liability.
d) Reservation of All Rights Not Granted as to Content and Site. These Terms and any Additional Terms include only narrow, limited grants of rights to Content and to use and access the Site. No right or license may be construed, under any legal theory, by implication, estoppel, industry custom, or otherwise. All rights not expressly granted to you are reserved by Florence and its licensors and other third parties. Any unauthorized use of any Content or the Site for any purpose is prohibited.
3) Opening and Terminating Accounts
The Site’s practices resulting in the collection and use of your Personal Data as part of account registration or further use of the Site are carried out in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you are under the age of thirteen (13), then you are not permitted to register as a user, or otherwise use the Site or submit personal information to us.
If you register for any feature that requires a password and/or username, then you will select your own password at the time of registration (or we may send you an email notification with a randomly generated initial password) and you agree that: (i) You will not use a username (or e-mail address) that is already being used by someone else, may impersonate another person, belongs to another person, violates the intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, or is offensive. We may reject the use of any password, username, or e-mail address for any other reason in our sole discretion; (ii) You will provide true, accurate, current, and complete registration information about yourself in connection with the registration process and, as permitted, to maintain and update it continuously and promptly to keep it accurate, current, and complete; (iii) You are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your account, password, and username – whether or not you authorized the activity; (iv) You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for restricting access to your Device so that others may not access any password protected portion of the Site using your name, username, or password; (v) You will immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account, password, or username, or any other breach of security; and (vi) You will not sell, transfer, or assign your account or any account rights.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage (of any kind and under any legal theory) to you or any third party arising from your inability or failure for any reason to comply with any of the foregoing obligations.
If any information that you provide, or if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that any information that you provide, is false, inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or violates these Terms, any Additional Terms, or any applicable law, then we may suspend or terminate your account. We also reserve the more general and broad right to terminate your account or suspend or otherwise deny you access to it or its benefits – all in our sole discretion, for any reason, and without advance notice or liability. If you would like to close your Site account, please contact us at hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com and include “Account Closure Request” in the subject line and provide us with the full name and email address associated with your account.
4. Terms Applicable For Purchases
a) Generally. To purchase any products or services in the Florence online store, you must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or the applicable age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence. Prior to the purchase of any products or services, you must provide us with a valid credit card number and associated payment information including all of the following: (i) your name as it appears on the card, (ii) your credit card number, (iii) the date of expiration, and (iv) any activation numbers or codes needed to charge your card. By submitting that information to us or our third party credit card processor, you hereby authorize us and/or our processor to charge your card at our convenience but within thirty (30) days of credit card authorization. For any product or service that you order on the Site, you agree to pay the price applicable (including any sales taxes and surcharges) as of the time you submit the order. Florence will automatically bill your credit card or other forms of payment submitted as part of the order process for such price. Please note that we do not provide price protection or refunds in the event of a price drop or promotional offering.
b) Methods of Payment, Credit Card Terms and Taxes. All payments must be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. We currently do not accept cash, personal or business checks or any other payment form, although in the future we may change this policy. Your card issuer agreement governs your use of your designated card, and you must refer to that agreement and not these Terms to determine your rights and liabilities as a cardholder. You hereby represent and warrant that you will not use any credit card or other forms of payment unless you have all necessary legal authorization to do so. YOU, AND NOT FLORENCE, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING ANY UNAUTHORIZED AMOUNTS BILLED TO YOUR CREDIT CARD BY A THIRD PARTY. You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your purchases (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. Unless you notify Florence of any discrepancies within sixty (60) days after they first appear on your credit card statement, you agree that they will be deemed accepted by you for all purposes. If Florence does not receive payment from your credit card issuer or its agent, you agree to pay all amounts due upon demand by Florence or its agents. Sales taxes, or other taxes, customs, import/export charges, or similar governmental charges are not included in the price of the products. You are responsible for paying any such taxes or charges imposed on your purchases, including, but not limited to, sales, use or value-added taxes. Florence shall automatically charge and withhold the applicable tax for orders to be delivered to addresses within and any states or localities that it deems is required in accordance with our order policy in effect at the time of purchase.
c) Return Policy. All Sales Are Final. We do not accept returns, exchanges or refunds. Please note, Florence by Mills Beauty reserves the right to refuse all returns.
In the unlikely event that a product arrives not as described, we will only send replacements for damaged/missing products within 14 days of receipt of the package.
Customer must provide photos of the issue, including packing slip to hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com.
At this time, our return policy has been updated to allow customers to cancel any unshipped orders at any time for a full refund. Please send a note to hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com for assistance.
d) Order Acceptance Policy. Your receipt of an electronic or other forms of order confirmation does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of our offer to sell. Florence reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. Florence further reserves the right any time after receipt of your order, without prior notice to you, to supply less than the quantity you ordered of any item. Your order will be deemed accepted upon shipment of products that you have ordered. We may require additional verifications or information before accepting any order. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you agree that, if we cancel all or a portion of your order or if we provide you less than the quantity you ordered, your sole and exclusive remedy is either that: (a) we will issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount charged for the cancelled portion or the quantity not provided (if your credit card has already been charged for the order) or (b) we will not charge your credit card for the cancelled portion of the order or the quantity not provided. Do not assume that a cancellation or change of an order you have placed with Florence has been effected until you receive a confirmation from Florence via email or the Site. As stated above, you will be responsible for, and your credit card or third-party payment account may be charged for, the payment of all fees associated with orders already processed or shipped before your cancellation/change request or a request to terminate your account was received.
e) No Responsibility to Sell Mislabeled Products. We do our best to describe every item, product or service offered on this Site as accurately as possible. However, we are human, and therefore we do not warrant that specifications or pricing on the Site is complete, accurate, reliable, current, or error-free. In the event of any errors relating to the pricing or specifications of any item, product or service, Florence shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders in its sole discretion. If we charged your credit card or other accounts prior to cancellation, we will issue a credit to your account in the amount of the charge. Additional terms may apply. If a product you purchased from Florence is not as described, your sole remedy is to return it in unused condition, complete and undamaged, in the original packaging.
g) Membership Subscriptions. This Site may offer you the option to sign up for a subscription plan (the “Subscription Plan”). Additional information about the various Subscription Plans, including terms and pricing, will be made available on the Site, as applicable.
You may purchase the Subscription Plan online using any major credit card (unless other payment terms are agreed). The amounts charged to such credit card shown at the time of the transaction. Subscription Plans will auto-renew at the end of the subscription period unless you terminate your subscription.
Purchases of membership subscriptions on the Site are nonrefundable, have no monetary value (i.e., are not a cash account or equivalent), and are purchases of only a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, personal, and non-transferable right to use, even if such came with a durational term (e.g., a monthly subscription). We may change our prices at any time without notice to you. However, the rights attaching to a Subscription Plan you have purchased do not change if there is a price change after your purchase date. Any further purchases will be at the revised price.
We use a secure third party service provider (e.g. Stripe) to process all payments you make from us. You agree and acknowledge that Florence is not a payment card processor and does not process payment card transactions and only relays information generated in connection with your payment processing to processors. You should read and understand the terms on which that service provider accepts and processes that payment, a link to which is provided to you as part of the purchase process. By transacting on the Site, you are taken to have read and accepted those terms. We are not responsible to you for any breach of those terms by that service provider.
If we suspend or terminate any usage subscriptions, then you will forfeit the suspended or terminated subscription or items, except as may be set forth in any Additional Terms (such as any refund policies that may apply to a subscription service). Likewise, except as may be set forth in any Additional Terms or as required by applicable law, or providing you any credit or refund or any other sum, in the event of our modification of any usage subscriptions, or for loss or damage due to error, or any other reason.
h) Promotional codes. Using a promotional or discount code on the site is subject to rules and regulations set forth. A promo code cannot be used in combination with another promo code. Gift sets, bundles and other items with a value already associated are not eligible for purchase with a discount code.
5. Content You Submit and Community Usage Rules
a. User-Generated Content.
(i) General. Florence may now or in the future offer users of the Site the opportunity to create, build, post, upload, display, publish, distribute, transmit, broadcast, or otherwise make available on or submit through the Site (collectively, “submit”) messages, avatars, text, illustrations, files, images, graphics, photos, comments, responses, sounds, music, videos, information, content, ratings, reviews, data, questions, suggestions, personally identifiable information, or other information or materials and the ideas contained therein (collectively, “User-Generated Content”). Florence may allow you to do this through forums, blogs, message boards, social networking environments, contact us tools, email, and other communications functionality. Subject to the license you grant in these Terms, you retain whatever legally cognizable right, title, and interest that you have in your User-Generated Content and you remain ultimately responsible for it.
(ii) Non-Confidentiality of Your User-Generated Content. Except as otherwise described in the Site’s Privacy Policy or any Additional Terms, you agree that: (a) your User-Generated Content will be treated as non-confidential – regardless of whether you mark them “confidential,” “proprietary,” or the like – and will not be returned; and (b) Florence does not assume any obligation of any kind to you or any third party with respect to your User-Generated Content. Upon Florence' request, you will furnish us with any documentation necessary to substantiate the rights to such content and to verify your compliance with these Terms or any Additional Terms. You acknowledge that the Internet and mobile communications may be subject to breaches of security and that you are aware that submissions of User-Generated Content may not be secure, and you will consider this before submitting any User-Generated Content and do so at your own risk. In your communications with Florence, please keep in mind that we do not seek any unsolicited ideas or materials for products or Sites, or even suggested improvements to products or services, including, without limitation, ideas, concepts, inventions, or designs for music, websites, apps, books, scripts, screenplays, motion pictures, television shows, theatrical productions, software or otherwise (collectively, “Unsolicited Ideas and Materials”). Any Unsolicited Ideas and Materials you post on or send to us via the Site are deemed User-Generated Content and licensed to us as set forth below. In addition, Florence retains all of the rights held by members of the general public with regard to your Unsolicited Ideas and Materials. Florence' receipt of your Unsolicited Ideas and Materials is not an admission by Florence of their novelty, priority, or originality, and it does not impair Florence' right to contest existing or future intellectual property rights relating to your Unsolicited Ideas and Materials.
(iii) License to Florence of Your User-Generated Content. Except as otherwise described in any applicable Additional Terms (such as a contest official rules), which specifically govern the submission of your User-Generated Content, you hereby grant to Florence, and you agree to grant to Florence, the non-exclusive, unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and cost-free right and license to use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, re-sell, sublicense (through multiple levels), display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and otherwise use and exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User-Generated Content (and derivative works thereof), for any purpose whatsoever in all formats, on or through any means or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same. Without limitation, the granted rights include the right to: (a) configure, host, index, cache, archive, store, digitize, compress, optimize, modify, reformat, edit, adapt, publish in searchable format, and remove such User-Generated Content and combine same with other materials, and (b) use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any User-Generated Content for any purposes whatsoever, including developing, producing, and marketing products and/or Sites. You understand that in exercising such rights metadata, notices and content may be removed or altered, including copyright management information, and you consent thereto and represent and warrant you have all necessary authority to do so. In order to further affect the rights and license that you grant to Florence to your User-Generated Content, you also hereby grant to Florence, and agree to grant to Florence, the unconditional, perpetual, irrevocable right to use and exploit your name, persona, and likeness in connection with any User-Generated Content, without any obligation or remuneration to you. Except as prohibited by law, you hereby waive, and you agree to waive, any moral rights (including attribution and integrity) that you may have in any User-Generated Content, even if it is altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. To the extent not waivable, you irrevocably agree not to exercise such rights (if any) in a manner that interferes with any exercise of the granted rights. You understand that you will not receive any fees, sums, consideration, or remuneration for any of the rights granted in this Section 5(a)(iii).
(iv) Exclusive Right to Manage Our Site. Florence may, but will not have any obligation to, review, monitor, display, post, store, maintain, accept, or otherwise make use of, any of your User-Generated Content, and Florence may, in its sole discretion, reject, delete, move, re-format, remove or refuse to post or otherwise make use of User-Generated Content without notice or any liability to you or any third party in connection with our operation of User-Generated Content venues in an appropriate manner. Without limitation, we may do so to address content that comes to our attention that we believe is offensive, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, violent, harassing, threatening, abusive, illegal or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate, or to enforce the rights of third parties or these Terms or any applicable Additional Terms, including, without limitation, the content restrictions set forth in the Site & Content Use Restrictions (defined in Section 2(b)). Such User-Generated Content submitted by you or others need not be maintained on the Site by us for any period of time and you will not have the right, once submitted, to access, archive, maintain, or otherwise use such User-Generated Content on the Site or elsewhere.
(v) Representations and Warranties Related to Your User-Generated Content. Each time you submit any User-Generated Content, you represent and warrant that you are at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which you reside or are the parent or legal guardian, or have all proper consents from the parent or legal guardian, of any minor who is depicted in or contributed to any User-Generated Content you submit, and that, as to that User-Generated Content: (a) you are the sole author and owner of the intellectual property and other rights to the User-Generated Content, or you have a lawful right to submit the User-Generated Content and grant Florence the rights to it that you are granting by these Terms and any Additional Terms, all without any Florence obligation to obtain consent of any third party and without creating any obligation or liability of Florence; (b) the User-Generated Content is accurate; (c) the User-Generated Content does not and, as to Florence’ permitted uses and exploitation set forth in these Terms, will not infringe any intellectual property or other rights of any third party; and (d) the User-Generated Content will not violate these Terms (including the Rules) or any Additional Terms, or cause injury or harm to any person.
(vi) Enforcement. Florence has no obligation to monitor or enforce your intellectual property rights to your User-Generated Content, but you grant us the right to protect and enforce our rights to your User-Generated Content, including by bringing and controlling actions in your name and on your behalf (at Florence' cost and expense, to which you hereby consent and irrevocably appoint Florence as your attorney-in-fact, with the power of substitution and delegation, which appointment is coupled with an interest).
- Community Usage Rules. As a user of the Site, these Community Usage Rules (“Rules”) are here to help you understand the conduct that is expected of members of the Site’s online communities (“Communities”).
(i) Nature of Rules. Your participation in the Communities is subject to all of the Terms, including these Rules:
- Your User-Generated Content. All of your User-Generated Content either must be original with you or you must have all necessary rights in it from third parties in order to permit you to comply with these Terms and any Additional Terms. Your User-Generated Content should not contain any visible logos, phrases, or trademarks that belong to third parties. Do not use any User-Generated Content that belongs to other people and pass it off as your own; this includes any content that you might have found elsewhere on the Internet. If anyone contributes to your User-Generated Content or has any rights to your User-Generated Content, or if anyone appears or is referred to in the User-Generated Content, then you must also have their permission to submit such User-Generated Content to Florence. (For example, if someone has taken a picture of you and your friend, and you submit that photo to Florence as your User-Generated Content, then you must obtain your friend’s and the photographer’s permission to do so.)
- Speaking of Photos: No Pictures, Videos, or Images of Anyone Other Than You and Your Friends and Family. If you choose to submit photos to the Site, link to embedded videos, or include other images of real people, then make sure they are of you or of you and someone you know – and only if you have their express permission to submit it.
- Act Appropriately. All of your Site activities must be venue appropriate, as determined by us. Be respectful of others’ opinions and comments so we can continue to build Communities for everyone to enjoy. If you think your User-Generated Content might offend someone or be embarrassing to someone, then chances are it probably will and it doesn’t belong on the Site. Cursing, harassing, stalking, insulting comments, personal attacks, gossip, and similar actions are prohibited. Your User-Generated Content must not threaten, abuse, or harm others, and it must not include any negative comments that are connected to race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or physical handicap. Your User-Generated Content must not be defamatory, slanderous, indecent, obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit.
- Do Not Use for Commercial or Political Purposes. Your User-Generated Content must not advertise or promote a product or Site or other commercial activity, or a politician, public servant, or law.
- Do Not Use for Inappropriate Purposes. Your User-Generated Content must not promote any infringing, illegal, or other similarly inappropriate activity.
- Be Honest and Do Not Misrepresent Yourself or Your User-Generated Content. Do not impersonate any other person, user, or company, and do not submit User-Generated Content that you believe may be false, fraudulent, deceptive, inaccurate, or misleading, or that misrepresents your identity or affiliation with a person or company.
- Others Can See. We hope that you will use the Communities to exchange information and content and have venue appropriate discussions with other members. However, please remember that the Communities are public or semi-public and User-Generated Content that you submit on the Site within a Community may be accessible and viewable by other users. Do not submit Personal Data on Community spaces and take care when disclosing this type of information to others.
- Don’t Share Other Peoples’ Personal Data. Your User-Generated Content should not reveal another person’s address, phone number, e-mail address, social security number, credit card number, medical information, financial information, or any other information that may be used to track, contact, or impersonate that individual, unless, and in the form and by the method, specifically requested by Florence.
- Don’t Damage the Site or Anyone’s Computers or Other Devices. Your User-Generated Content must not submit viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, or any other technologies or malicious code that could impact the operation of the Site or any computer or other Device.
If you submit User-Generated Content that Florence reasonably believes violates these Rules, then we may take any legally available action that we deem appropriate, in our sole discretion. However, we are not obligated to take any action not required by law. We may require, at any time, proof of the permissions referred to above in a form acceptable to us. Failure to provide such proof may lead to, among other things, the User-Generated Content in question being removed from the Site.
(ii) Your Interactions With Other Users; Disputes. You are solely responsible for your interaction with other users of the Site, whether online or offline. We are not responsible or liable for the conduct or content of any user. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor or become involved in disputes between you and other users. Exercise common sense and your best judgment in your interactions with others (e.g., when you submit any Personal Data or other information) and in all of your other online activities.
6. Procedure For Alleging Copyright Infringement
a) DMCA Notice. Florence will respond appropriately to notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), as set forth below. If you own a copyright in a work (or represent such a copyright owner) and believe that your (or such owner’s) copyright in that work has been infringed by an improper posting or distribution of it via the Site, then you may send us a written notice that includes all of the following:
(i) a legend or subject line that says: “DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice”;
(ii) a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works;
(iii) a description of where the material that you claim is infringing or is the subject of infringing activity is located that is reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material (please include the URL of the Site on which the material appears);
(iv) your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address;
(v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
(vi) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that all the information in your notice is accurate, and that you are the copyright owner (or, if you are not the copyright owner, then your statement must indicate that you are authorized to act on the behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed); and
(vii) your electronic or physical signature.
Florence will only respond to DMCA Notices that it receives by mail or e-mail at the addresses below:
By Mail: Florence Beauty, LLC, 8 The Green, Suite # 4220, Dover, DE 19901
By Email: hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com
It is often difficult to determine if your copyright has been infringed. Florence may elect to not respond to DMCA Notices that do not substantially comply with all of the foregoing requirements, and Florence may elect to remove allegedly infringing material that comes to its attention via notices that do not substantially comply with the DMCA.
Please note that the DMCA provides that any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.
We may send the information that you provide in your notice to the person who provided the allegedly infringing work. That person may elect to send us a DMCA Counter-Notification.
Without limiting Florence’s other rights, Florence may, in appropriate circumstances, terminate a repeat infringer’s access to the Site and any other website owned or operated by Florence. See Section 3, above.
b) Counter-Notification. If access on the Site to a work that you submitted to Florence is disabled or the work is removed as a result of a DMCA Notice, and if you believe that the disabled access or removal is the result of mistake or misidentification, then you may send us a DMCA Counter-Notification to the addresses above. Your DMCA Counter-Notification should contain the following information:
(i) a legend or subject line that says: “DMCA Counter-Notification”;
(ii) a description of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled (please include the URL of the Site from which the material was removed or access to it disabled);
(iii) a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled;
(iv) your full name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and the username of your account;
(v) a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or, if the address is located outside the U.S.A., to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Central District of California), and that you will accept Site of process from the person who provided DMCA notification to us or an agent of such person; and
(vi) your electronic or physical signature. Please note that the DMCA provides that any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to liability.
If we receive a DMCA Counter-Notification, then we may replace the material that we removed (or stop disabling access to it) in not less than ten (10) and not more than fourteen (14) business days following receipt of the DMCA Counter-Notification. However, we will not do this if we first receive notice at the addresses above that the party who sent us the DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice has filed a lawsuit asking a court for an order restraining the person who provided the material from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on the Site. You should also be aware that we may forward the Counter-Notification to the party who sent us the DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice
7. Procedure For Alleging Infringement of Other Intellectual Property
If you own intellectual property other than copyrights and believe that your intellectual property has been infringed by an improper posting or distribution of it via the Site, then you may send us a written notice to the addresses set forth above that includes all of the following:
(a) a legend or subject line that says: “Intellectual Property Infringement Notice”;
(b) a description of the intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
(c) a description of where the material that you claim is infringing or is the subject of infringing activity is located that is reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material (please include the URL of the Site on which the material appears);
(d) your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address;
(e) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the owner of the intellectual property, its agent, or the law;
(f) a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that all the information in your notice is accurate, and that you are the owner of the intellectual property at issue (or, if you are not the owner, then your statement must indicate that you are authorized to act on the behalf of the owner of the intellectual property that is allegedly infringed); and
(g) your electronic or physical signature.
We will act on such notices in our sole discretion. Any user of the Site that fails to respond satisfactorily to Florence with regard to any such notice is subject to suspension or termination. We may send the information that you provide in your notice to the person who provided the allegedly infringing material.
8. Notices, Questions and Customer Service
You agree that: (i) we may give you notices of new, revised or changed terms and other important matters by prominently posting notice on the home page of the Site, or in another reasonable manner; and (ii) we may contact you by mail or email sent to the address provided by you. You agree to promptly notify us if you change your email or mailing address by updating your account information.
If you have a question regarding using the Site, you may contact us here. You acknowledge that the provision of customer support is at Florence’s sole discretion and that we have no obligation to provide you with customer support of any kind.
9. Links by You to the Site
We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, personal, and non-transferable license to create hyperlinks to the Site, so long as: (a) the links do not use any Trademarks; (b) the links and the content on your website do not suggest any affiliation with Florence or cause any other confusion; and (c) the links and the content on your website do not portray Florence or its products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise offensive matter, and do not contain content that is unlawful, offensive, obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, violent, threatening, harassing, or abusive, or that violate any right of any third party or are otherwise objectionable to Florence. Florence reserves the right to suspend or prohibit linking to the Site for any reason, in its sole discretion, without advance notice or any liability of any kind to you or any third party.
10. Linked-To Websites; Advertisements; Dealings with Third Parties
a) Linked Sites; Advertisements. The Site may contain links, as part of third-party ads on the Site or otherwise, to or from third-party websites (“Linked Sites”), including websites operated by advertisers, licensors, licensees, and certain other third parties who may have business relationships with Florence. Florence may have no control over the content, operations, policies, terms, or other elements of Linked Sites, and Florence does not assume any obligation to review any Linked Sites. Florence does not endorse, approve, or sponsor any Linked Sites, or any third-party content, advertising, information, materials, products, services, or other items. Furthermore, Florence is not responsible for the quality or delivery of the products or services offered, accessed, obtained by or advertised at such sites. Finally, Florence will under no circumstances be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or special loss or other damage, whether arising from negligence, breach of contract, defamation, infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights, caused by the exhibition, distribution or exploitation of any information or content contained within these third-party Linked Sites. Any activities you engage in connection with any of the same are subject to the privacy and other policies, terms and conditions of use and/or sale, and rules issued by the operator of the Linked Sites. Florence disclaims all liability in connection therewith.
b) Dealings with Third Parties. Any interactions, correspondence, transactions, and other dealings that you have with any third parties found on or through the Site (including on or via Linked Sites or advertisements) are solely between you and the third party (including issues related to the content of third-party advertisements, payments, delivery of goods, warranties (including product warranties), privacy and data security, and the like). Florence disclaims all liability in connection therewith.
11. Wireless & Location Based Features and Other Telephonic Communications
a) Wireless Features. The Site may offer certain features and services that are available to you via your wireless Device. These features and services may include the ability to access the Site’s features and upload content to the Site, receive messages from the Site, and download applications to your wireless Device (collectively, “Wireless Features”). Standard messaging, data, and other fees may be charged by your carrier to participate in Wireless Features. Fees and charges may appear on your wireless bill or be deducted from your pre-paid balance. Your carrier may prohibit or restrict certain Wireless Features and certain Wireless Features may be incompatible with your carrier or wireless Device. You should check with your carrier to find out what plans are available and how much they cost. Contact your carrier with questions regarding these issues.
b) Terms of Wireless Features. You agree that as to the Wireless Features for which you are registered for, we may send communications to your wireless Device regarding us or other parties. Further, we may collect information related to your use of the Wireless Features. If you have registered via the Site for Wireless Features, then you agree to notify Florence of any changes to your wireless contact information (including phone number) and update your accounts on the Site to reflect the changes.
c) Location-Based Features. If you have enabled GPS, geo-location or other location-based features on any mobile app(s) or feature(s), you acknowledge that your Device location will be tracked and may be shared with others consistent with the Privacy Policy. Some mobile app(s) or feature(s) allow for you to disable location-based features or manage preferences related to them. However, you can terminate Device location tracking by us by dis-installing any mobile app(s) or feature(s). The location-based services offered in connection with our mobile app(s) or feature(s) are for individual use only and should not be used or relied on as an emergency locator system, used while driving or operating vehicles, or used in connection with any hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, or any other situation in which the failure or inaccuracy of use of the location-based services could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or property damage. The location-based services are not suited or intended for family finding purposes, fleet tracking, or any other type of business or enterprise use – other products exist today that may be used specifically for these purposes.
d) Call Recording and Monitoring. You acknowledge that telephone calls to or from Florence may be monitored and recorded and you agree to such monitoring and recording.
e) Providing Telephone Numbers and Other Contact Information. You verify that any contact information provided to Florence, including, but not limited to, your name, mailing address, email address, your residential or business telephone number, and/or your mobile telephone number, is true and accurate. You verify that you are the current subscriber or owner of any telephone number that you provide to us. Should you change any of your contact information, including telephone numbers, you agree to notify us before the change goes into effect by email at hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com.
f) Your Consent to Receive Automated Calls/Texts. You acknowledge that by voluntarily providing your telephone number(s) to Florence, you expressly agree to receive prerecorded voice messages and/or autodialed calls and text messages from us related to our promotions, products, any transaction with us, and/or your relationship with Florence. These telephone calls and text messages may include, for example but not by way of limitation, promotional offers and changes to your account. You agree to receive calls and text messages from us even if you cancel your account or terminate your relationship with us, except if you opt-out, as provided below. Consent to receive promotional automated calls/texts is not a condition of purchasing any goods or services. These calls or text messages may be made even if your telephone number is registered on any state or federal Do Not Call list. You acknowledge that you may incur a charge for these calls or text messages by your telephone carrier and that Florence is not responsible for these charges.
g) Opt-Out Instructions. You may opt-out of automated calls or text messages at any time. To opt-out of text messages, text STOP to any text message you receive. For help, text HELP. You acknowledge and agree to accept a final text message confirming your opt-out. We may use different shortcodes for different messaging purposes, so texting STOP to one shortcode will not effectuate a stop request for all shortcodes to which you are subscribed. If you would like to stop messages from multiple shortcodes, text STOP to each shortcode to which you would like to unsubscribe. To opt-out of automated telephone calls (but not text messages), you must (i) provide us with written notice revoking your consent; (ii) in that written notice, you must include your full name, mailing address, and the specific phone number(s) for which you wish to cease telephonic communications; and (iii) send this written notice to Florence Beauty, LLC, 8 The Green, Suite #4220, Dover, DE 19901, Attn: _____ or send an email to hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com.If you have any questions about opting out, please contact us at hello@florencebymillsbeauty.com. Please allow up to thirty (30) days to process any opt-out request. Please note that if you opt out of automated calls or texts, we reserve the right to make non-automated calls to you relating to your account, any transaction, or your relationship with us. Your obligations under this Section will survive termination of these Registration Terms.
It is possible that a third-party or affiliate may have purchased your contact information and thus You may continue to receive communications from those third-parties. Florence is not responsible for stopping all unwanted contact from sources beyond our immediate control. Please contact those third-parties directly to inform them of your contact preferences.
h) Indemnification. You agree to indemnify Florence for any privacy, tort, or other claims or potential claims, including claims under the Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act or its state law equivalent, relating to your voluntary provision of a telephone number that is not owned by you and/or your failure to notify us of any changes in your contact information, including telephone number. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from and against any and all such claims, losses, liability, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees). We shall have the exclusive right to choose counsel, at your expense, to defend any such claims.
12. Dispute Resolution
Certain portions of this Section 12 are deemed to be a “written agreement to arbitrate” pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act. You and Florence agree that we intend that this Section 12 satisfies the “writing” requirement of the Federal Arbitration Act. This Section 12 can only be amended by mutual agreement.
a) First – Try to Resolve Disputes and Excluded Disputes. If any controversy, allegation, or claim arises out of or relates to the Site, the Content, your User-Generated Content, these Terms, or any Additional Terms, whether heretofore or hereafter arising (collectively, “Dispute”), or to any of Florence' actual or alleged intellectual property rights (an “Excluded Dispute”, which includes those actions set forth in Section 12(D), then you and we agree to send a written notice to the other providing a reasonable description of the Dispute or Excluded Dispute, along with a proposed resolution of it. Our notice to you will be sent to you based on the most recent contact information that you provide us. But if no such contact information exists or if such information is not current, then we have no obligation under this Section 12(A). Your notice to us must be sent to: Florence Beauty, LLC, 8 The Green, Suite #4220, Dover, DE 19901. (Attn: Legal Department). For a period of sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of notice from the other party, Florence and you will engage in a dialogue in order to attempt to resolve the Dispute or Excluded Dispute, though nothing will require either you or Florence to resolve the Dispute or Excluded Dispute on terms with respect to which you and Florence, in each of our sole discretion, are not comfortable.
b) Binding Arbitration. If we cannot resolve a Dispute as set forth in Section 12(A) (or agree to arbitration in writing with respect to an Excluded Dispute) within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice, then ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING BETWEEN YOU AND FLORENCE MUST BE RESOLVED BY FINAL AND BINDING ARBITRATION. THIS INCLUDES ANY AND ALL DISPUTES BASED ON ANY PRODUCT, SERVICE OR ADVERTISING CONNECTED TO THE PROVISION OR USE OF THE SITE (WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, STATUTE, REGULATION, ORDINANCE, TORT - INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE, FRAUD, ANY OTHER INTENTIONAL TORT OR COMMON LAW, CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION, RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR, AGENCY OR ANY OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY - AND WHETHER ARISING BEFORE OR AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THESE TERMS. The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) shall govern the arbitrability of all disputes between Florence and you regarding these Terms (and any Additional Terms) and the Site, including the No Class Action Matters section below. BY AGREEING TO ARBITRATE, EACH PARTY IS GIVING UP ITS RIGHT TO GO TO COURT AND HAVE ANY DISPUTE HEARD BY A JUDGE OR JURY. Florence and you agree, however, that the state of California or federal law shall apply to and govern, as appropriate, any and all claims or causes of action, remedies, and damages arising between you and Florence regarding these Terms and the Site, whether arising or stated in contract, statute, common law, or any other legal theory, without regard to the state of California’s choice of law principles.
A Dispute will be resolved solely by binding arbitration in accordance with the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules (“Rules”) of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), except as modified herein, and in accordance with the AAA’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. The arbitration will be administered by the AAA. If an in-person arbitration hearing is required, then it will be conducted in the “metropolitan statistical area” (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau) where you are a resident at the time the Dispute is submitted to arbitration. You and we will pay the administrative and arbitrator’s fees and other costs in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules; but if applicable arbitration rules or laws require Florence to pay a greater portion or all of such fees and costs in order for this Section 12 to be enforceable, then Florence will have the right to elect to pay the fees and costs and proceed to arbitration. The arbitrator will apply and be bound by these Terms and any Additional Terms, and will determine any Dispute according to applicable law and facts based upon the record and no other basis, and will issue a reasoned award only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual claim. Issues relating to the enforceability of the arbitration and class action waiver provisions contained herein are for the court to decide. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of these Terms or the Site. You can obtain AAA procedures, rules, and fee information as follows: 800.778.7879 and http://www.adr.org.
c) Limited Time to File Claims. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IF YOU OR WE WANT TO ASSERT A DISPUTE (BUT NOT A EXCLUDED DISPUTE) AGAINST THE OTHER, THEN YOU OR WE MUST COMMENCE IT (BY DELIVERY OF WRITTEN NOTICE AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 12(A)) WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE DISPUTE ARISES -- OR IT WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. Commencing means, as applicable (a) by delivery of written notice as set forth above in Section 12(A); (b) filing for arbitration with the AAA as set forth in Section 12(B); or (c) filing an action in state or Federal court. The parties expressly waive any contrary statute of limitations or time bars, both legal and equitable, to the Disputes.
d) Injunctive Relief. The foregoing provisions of this Section 12 will not apply to any legal action taken by Florence to seek an injunction or other equitable relief in connection with, any loss, cost, or damage (or any potential loss, cost, or damage) relating to the Site, any Content, your User-Generated Content and/or Florence’ intellectual property rights (including such Florence may claim that may be in dispute), Florence’ operations, and/or Florence’ products or services.
e) No Class Action Matters. YOU AND FLORENCE AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING OR AS AN ASSOCIATION. Disputes will be arbitrated only on an individual basis and will not be joined or consolidated with any other arbitrations or other proceedings that involve any claim or controversy of any other party. There shall be no right or authority for any Dispute to be arbitrated on a class action basis or on any basis involving Disputes brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public, or other persons or entities similarly situated. But if, for any reason, any court with competent jurisdiction holds that this restriction is unconscionable or unenforceable, then our agreement in Section 12(B) to arbitrate will not apply and the Dispute must be brought exclusively in court pursuant to Section 12(F). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 12, any and all issues relating to the scope, interpretation and enforceability of the class action waiver provisions contained herein (described in this “No Class Action Matters” section), are to be decided only by a court of competent jurisdiction, and not by the arbitrator. The arbitrator does not have the power to vary these class action waiver provisions.
f) Federal and State Courts in Los Angeles County, California. Except where arbitration is required above, small claims actions, or with respect to the enforcement of any arbitration decision or award, any action or proceeding relating to any Dispute or Excluded Dispute arising hereunder may only be instituted in state or Federal court in Los Angeles County, California. Accordingly, you and Florence consent to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts for such matters.
g) Small Claims Matters Are Excluded from Arbitration Requirement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either of us may bring qualifying claim of Disputes (but not Excluded Disputes) in small claims court of competent jurisdiction.
YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE SITE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. THE SITE IS PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS”, “AS AVAILABLE”, AND “WITH ALL FAULTS” BASIS. Therefore, to the fullest extent permissible by law, Florence and its subsidiaries and each of their respective employees, directors, members, managers, shareholders, agents, vendors, licensors, licensees, contractors, customers, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Florence Parties”) hereby disclaim and make no representations, warranties, endorsements, or promises, express or implied, as to:
(a) the Site (including the Content and the User-Generated Content);
(b) the functions, features, or any other elements on, or made accessible through, the Site;
(c) any products, services, or instructions offered or referenced at or linked through the Site;
(d) security associated with the transmission of your User-Generated Content transmitted to Florence via the Site;
(e) whether the Site or the servers that make the Site available are free from any harmful components (including viruses, Trojan horses, and other technologies that could adversely impact your Device);
(f) whether the information (including any instructions) on the Site is accurate, complete, correct, adequate, useful, timely, or reliable;
(g) whether any defects to or errors on the Site will be repaired or corrected;
(h) whether your access to the Site will be uninterrupted;
(i) whether the Site will be available at any particular time or location; and
(h) whether your use of the Site is lawful in any particular jurisdiction.
Some jurisdictions limit or do not allow the disclaimer of implied or other warranties so the above disclaimers may not apply to the extent such jurisdictions’ laws are applicable.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY FLORENCE PARTIES BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, including personal injury or death or for any direct, indirect, economic, exemplary, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential losses or damages that are directly or indirectly related to:
(a) the Site (including the Content and the User-Generated Content);
(b) your use of or inability to use the Site, or the performance of the Site;
(c) any action taken in connection with an investigation by Florence Parties or law enforcement authorities regarding your access to or use of the Site;
(d) any action taken in connection with copyright or other intellectual property owners or other rights owners;
(e) any errors or omissions in the Site’s technical operation; or
(f) any damage to any user’s computer, hardware, software, modem, or other equipment or technology, including damage from any security breach or from any virus, bugs, tampering, fraud, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer line, or network failure or any other technical or other malfunction, including losses or damages in the form of lost profits, loss of goodwill, loss of data, work stoppage, accuracy of results, or equipment failure or malfunction.
The foregoing limitations of liability will apply even if any of the foregoing events or circumstances were foreseeable and even if Florence Parties were advised of or should have known of the possibility of such losses or damages, regardless of whether you bring an action based in contract, negligence, strict liability, or tort (including whether caused, in whole or in part, by negligence, acts of god, telecommunications failure, or destruction of the Site).
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages of the sort that are described above, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
15. Waiver of Injunctive or Other Equitable Relief
16. Updates to Terms
These Terms (or if applicable Additional Terms), in the form posted at the time of your use of the applicable services to which it applies, shall govern such use (including transactions entered during such use). AS OUR SITE EVOLVES, THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WE OFFER THE SITE MAY PROSPECTIVELY BE MODIFIED AND WE MAY CEASE OFFERING THE SITE UNDER THE TERMS OR ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREVIOUSLY OFFERED. ACCORDINGLY, EACH TIME YOU SIGN IN TO OR OTHERWISE USE THE SITE YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A NEW AGREEMENT WITH US ON THE THEN APPLICABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND YOU AGREE THAT WE MAY NOTIFY YOU OF OTHER TERMS BY POSTING THEM ON THE SITE (OR IN ANY OTHER REASONABLE MANNER OF NOTICE WHICH WE ELECT), AND THAT YOUR USE OF THE SITE AFTER SUCH NOTICE CONSTITUTES YOUR GOING FORWARD AGREEMENT TO THE OTHER TERMS FOR YOUR NEW USE AND TRANSACTIONS. Therefore, you should review the posted terms of service and any applicable Additional Terms each time you use the Site (at least prior to each transaction or submission). The new terms will be effective as to new use and transactions as of the time that we post them, or such later date as may be specified in them or in other notice to you. However, the terms of service (and any applicable Additional Terms) that applied when you previously used the Site will continue to apply to such prior use (i.e., changes and additions are prospective only) unless mutually agreed. In the event any notice to you of new, revised or additional terms is determined by a tribunal to be insufficient, the prior agreement shall continue until sufficient notice to establish a new agreement occurs. You should frequently check the home page, your account and the email you associated with your account for notices, all of which you agree are reasonable manners of providing you notice. You can reject any new, revised or Additional Terms by discontinuing use of the Site and related services.
17. General Provisions
a) Florence’ Consent or Approval. As to any provision in these Terms or any Additional Terms that grants Florence a right of consent or approval, or permits Florence to exercise a right in its “sole discretion,” Florence may exercise that right in its sole and absolute discretion. No Florence consent or approval may be deemed to have been granted by Florence without being in writing and signed by an officer of Florence.
b) Applicable Law. These Terms and any Additional Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with, and any Dispute and Excluded Dispute will be resolved in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.
c) Indemnity. You agree to, and you hereby, defend, indemnify, and hold Florence Parties harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, investigations, liabilities, judgments, fines, penalties, settlements, interest, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) that directly or indirectly arise from or are related to any claim, suit, action, demand, or proceeding made or brought against any Florence Party, or on account of the investigation, defense, or settlement thereof, arising out of or in connection with, whether occurring heretofore or hereafter: (i) your User-Generated Content; (ii) your use of the Site and your activities in connection with the Site; (iii) your breach or alleged breach of these Terms or any Additional Terms; (iv) your violation or alleged violation of any laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances, or orders of any governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in connection with your use of the Site or your activities in connection with the Site; (v) information or material transmitted through your Device, even if not submitted by you, that infringes, violates, or misappropriates any copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade dress, patent, publicity, privacy, or other right of any person or entity; (vi) any misrepresentation made by you; and (vii) Florence Parties’ use of the information that you submit to us (including your User-Generated Content) (all of the foregoing, “Claims and Losses”). You will cooperate as fully required by Florence Parties in the defense of any Claim and Losses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Florence Parties retain the exclusive right to settle, compromise, and pay any and all Claims and Losses. Florence Parties reserve the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any Claims and Losses. You will not settle any Claims and Losses without, in each instance, the prior written consent of an officer of a Florence Party.
d) Operation of Site; Availability of Products and Services; International Issues. Florence controls and operates the Site from its U.S.-based offices in the U.S.A., and Florence makes no representation that the Site is appropriate or available for use beyond the U.S.A. If you use the Site from other locations, you are doing so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws regarding your online conduct and acceptable content, if and to the extent local laws apply. The Site may describe products and services that are available only in the U.S.A. (or only parts of it) and are not available worldwide. We reserve the right to limit the availability of the Site and/or the provision of any content, program, product, service, or other feature described or available on the Site to any person, entity, geographic area, or jurisdiction, at any time and in our sole discretion, and to limit the quantities of any content, program, product, service, or other feature that we provide. You and we disclaim any application to these Terms of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
e) Export Controls. Software related to or made available by the Site may be subject to export controls of the U.S.A. No software from the Site may be downloaded, exported, or re-exported: (i) into (or to a national or resident of) any country or other jurisdiction to which the U.S.A. has embargoed goods, software, technology or services (which, as of the effective date of these Terms, includes Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Sudan, and Syria), or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Deny Orders, or (iii) to anyone on the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security Entities List as published in the Export Administration Regulations (including entities engaged in weapons of mass destruction proliferation in various countries and persons and entities that are suspected of diverting U.S. origin items to embargoed countries or terrorist end-uses). You are responsible for complying with all trade regulations and laws both foreign and domestic. Except as authorized by law, you agree and warrant not to export or re-export the software to any county, or to any person, entity, or end-user subject to U.S. export controls, including as set forth in subsections (i) – (iii) above.
f) Severability; Interpretation. If any provision of these Terms, or any Additional Terms, is for any reason deemed invalid, unlawful, void, or unenforceable by a court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction, then that provision will be deemed severable from these Terms or the Additional Terms, and the invalidity of the provision will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of these Terms or the Additional Terms (which will remain in full force and effect). To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to waive, and you hereby waive, any applicable statutory and common law that may permit a contract to be construed against its drafter. Wherever the word “including” is used in these Terms or any Additional Terms, the word will be deemed to mean “including, without limitation,”.
g) Communications. When you communicate with us electronically, such as via email and text message, you consent to receive communications from us electronically. Please note that we are not obligated to respond to inquiries that we receive. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
h) Investigations; Cooperation with Law Enforcement; Termination; Survival. Florence reserves the right, without any limitation, to: (i) investigate any suspected breaches of its Site security or its information technology or other systems or networks, (ii) investigate any suspected breaches of these Terms and any Additional Terms, (iii) investigate any information obtained by Florence in connection with reviewing law enforcement databases or complying with criminal laws, (iv) involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating any of the foregoing matters, (v) prosecute violators of these Terms and any Additional Terms, and (vi) discontinue the Site, in whole or in part, or, except as may be expressly set forth in any Additional Terms, suspend or terminate your access to it, in whole or in part, including any user accounts or registrations, at any time, without notice, for any reason and without any obligation to you or any third party. Any suspension or termination will not affect your obligations to Florence under these Terms or any Additional Terms. Upon suspension or termination of your access to the Site, or upon notice from Florence, all rights granted to you under these Terms or any Additional Terms will cease immediately, and you agree that you will immediately discontinue use of the Site. The provisions of these Terms and any Additional Terms, which by their nature should survive your suspension or termination will survive, including the rights and licenses you grant to Florence in these Terms, as well as the indemnities, releases, disclaimers, and limitations on liability and the provisions regarding jurisdiction, choice of law, no class action, and mandatory arbitration.
i) Assignment. Florence may assign its rights and obligations under these Terms and any Additional Terms, in whole or in part, to any party at any time without any notice. These Terms and any Additional Terms may not be assigned by you, and you may not delegate your duties under them, without the prior written consent of an officer of Florence.
j) No Waiver. Except as expressly set forth in these Terms or any Additional Terms, (i) no failure or delay by you or Florence in exercising any of rights, powers, or remedies under will operate as a waiver of that or any other right, power, or remedy, and (ii) no waiver or modification of any term of these Terms or any Additional Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by the party against whom the waiver or modification is sought to be enforced.
k) U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If you are a government end user, then this provision applies to you. The Service provided in connection with these Terms has been developed entirely at private expense, as defined in FAR section 2.101, DFARS section 252.227-7014(a)(1) and DFARS section 252.227-7015 (or any equivalent or subsequent agency regulation thereof), and is provided as “commercial items,” “commercial computer site” and/or “commercial computer site documentation.” Consistent with DFARS section 227.7202 and FAR section 12.212 and to the extent required under U.S. federal law, the minimum restricted rights as set forth in FAR section 52.227-19 (or any equivalent or subsequent agency regulation thereof), any use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, disclosure or distribution thereof by or for the U.S. Government shall be governed solely by these Terms and shall be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by these Terms.
l) California Consumer Rights and Notices. Residents of California are entitled to the following specific consumer rights information: you may contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Consumer Affairs by mail at: 400 R St., Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254. Their website is located at: http://www.dca.ca.gov.
m) Connectivity. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all Devices and other equipment and software, and all internet service provider, mobile service, and other services needed for your access to and use of the Service and you will be responsible for all charges related to them.